Rainbow World

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

          *when I have nothing to do and I have a throbbing headache, I get my laptop and start to blog. blame the headache. love the blogger*

          Lately, I've been asked lots of times what caused me to quit my job after 2 years of working in the hospital. They said I got it all, I got the brains and after a few more years, I could easily find greener pastures abroad. Lots of opportunities would come my way because of my credentials, work experience, blah, blah, blah. 

          So hey, what really was my reason? For a hundred times I cried because I got too tired of the work schedule, I didn't have a good relationship with some of my colleagues, I was underemployed and underpaid. But I tell you, those weren't the reason I quit. 

            I submitted my resignation letter with a light feeling, I felt it was the best thing to do. It was the time where I was working well with everyone in the hospital, I felt happy taking care of other people, I feel proud to be in my position because I get paid for a minimum effort. My work schedule was really fine.

            Things just happen and when we can't go up, we go out and find another way up. That's just what I did. I was feeling comfortable with my job, too comfortable that I didn't feel that I can grow any farther that where I stand now. I wanted recognition for a job well done. I wanted to do more, to be excellent and to be at the top. I wanted to be challenged and to exercise my brain cells, learn more, explore more and I just felt that there is another way to do that and I can't do it in the boxed closed walls of the hospital.

          I didn't waste my 4 years of education, 6 months of review and 2 years of working in the hospital. Along the way, I've learned a lot of things. Everything that happened helped me who I am now. I learned to be patient and to empathize with people. I've learned to relate to different personalities. I've learned to think ahead and use my brain over my heart most of the time. I've learned more than just hand washing and CPR for dying patients. It was more than just giving patient's meds or teaching them about their health or trying to assemble the ventilator to support patient's breathing. It was a life experience.

          I want to take this moment to really think clearly what I need to do. What am I here for? I've started sales and I loved it. I am now trying to teach and hope I'd do well in it. I wanted to challenge myself and just expand my horizons, to explore what else I can do to make a difference. What can I do to be happy and make everyone else happy?

          A lot of people may have wanted to have gone through all my knowledge, skills and experiences. To fill into my shoes for a few times. But you know what, don't insult yourself by thinking you have to be someone else. You are what you are and I can't be you. Inner peace. 

          They said you can't chase happiness, and pursuing it is the biggest cause of depression. But it's okay to take risks sometimes, to get out of the comfort zone, to do what you want. I may have been confused most of the times and made a lot of mistakes along the way but I'm only 23. It's time to take the wheel and drive my own life to where I wanted to go. 

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About the Author

I'm awksome & adorkable, my cute way of justifying my clumsiness. Born in PH 1989, last wave of people born in the 80's. Never stop learning. I'm a licensed nurse who currently studies law. I'd probably learn pastry making soon but maybe calligraphy lessons sooner. Normal is boring. Most of the people close to me prolly think I'm weird. I dunno. Love is my religion, I'm a low-key agnostic. Jed's greatest fan or biggest headache. hihi

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WONOLOGUES is an experimental blog I started in 2008. I coined it by combining WOWO+MONOLOGUES. Wowo is my nickname. I was told that it came from the word "wow". I believed them. I envision this blog to be a wonderful monologue as told by Wowo, just a hodgepodge of all things I find wonderful. I just came back from a year of hiatus. New blog posts weekly.

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