When I Pray

Saturday, February 09, 2013

I'm no religion expert and I'm not really a religious person (I did not grow up conscientiously following religious practices), but there are too many things that I've learned from many different people lately. So, I thought maybe, it's about time I write something about it.
It's not uncommon when I spend some time with friends, that every time we run out of topics (or have done reminiscing every embarrassing moments in high school life), or too drunk to joke around (after hearing out stories about all the shit that happens in work, relationship and life in general); we start to awkwardly quiet down and boom - 
Religion? Is it really important? Is a particular religion better than the rest? Would it save us on judgment day?
Well, I usually just sit there, hearing out everyone's opinion (while keeping an eye on my drunk friends); attempting to understand (despite the effect of a few shots of alcohol) and digest every detail of the argument that's about to start.

I first had this "problem" about difference in "faith", more so in religion when my best friend Petit  couldn't make it to my debut party. After being friends for the longest time, it saddened me that she can't celebrate with me that one special day of my life. 

When I got to college, I've met friends from all colors of faith. A very good friend Laleng believes in Islam, Mich  is a follower of Iglesia ni Cristo, and Choochoo recently converted from  Catholic to Chinese Baptist. I didn't mind, we all got along anyway. We had so much fun time together, that religion only comes an "issue" during meal time - when someone can't eat something. I thought that we can just put up with that. It's not a great bother so we'll just forget about it. Then come conversations about weddings, whose religion should be followed? What faith should the children be baptized to? And the list goes on...

My friend Krissy (he went through some issues in faith but I believe he's settled with it now), he's got a lot of interesting questions regarding the Supreme Being and Doods (my psychology/ philosophy versed friend) had a lot of interesting answers to say. Well, I was too sleepy to quote their words that night (or was it day?) but I think it all came down to - to prove our existence or nonexistence, we need to believe in some Supreme Being, that there must be something Absolute.

I had this rare opportunity to teach English to different ages, nationalities, beliefs and cultures. And maybe I've learned more from them more than what I could teach them. And for that I'm grateful. 

It is a common teaching method to do topic discussions in class. I had this one time where I just copy-pasted some lesson plans from the internet and there was this question,
"If you could ask God one question, what would it be?"

Leiyu (26 year old businesswoman from China) told me that she doesn't know how to answer the question because she doesn't believe in God or any religion. I didn't expect her to say these, "I envy you guys for believing in something or someone out there. I grew up puzzled about my existence and why problems are coming to me." Then Sean (29 Samsung engineer from Korea), said, "I have my beliefs, but not in faith. I've been bothered by people trying to let me join their faith but I don't want to choose. But then, when I have some serious problems, I just keep things to myself when I can't tell it to anyone. I mean, I don't have anyone to pray to or pray for unlike you guys."

That's what faith is all about, a strong belief to a Supreme Being or Supernatural Power that controls destiny. Some call it religion with many other denomination. We need not stir up a fight or provoke a war. We need not force people to join our faith or to instill in their minds that one religion is better than the other. We all need FAITH. We all need something to believe. We all need answers. We all need purpose. And that's exactly what faith is for - TO LET US LIVE.

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About the Author

I'm awksome & adorkable, my cute way of justifying my clumsiness. Born in PH 1989, last wave of people born in the 80's. Never stop learning. I'm a licensed nurse who currently studies law. I'd probably learn pastry making soon but maybe calligraphy lessons sooner. Normal is boring. Most of the people close to me prolly think I'm weird. I dunno. Love is my religion, I'm a low-key agnostic. Jed's greatest fan or biggest headache. hihi

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WONOLOGUES is an experimental blog I started in 2008. I coined it by combining WOWO+MONOLOGUES. Wowo is my nickname. I was told that it came from the word "wow". I believed them. I envision this blog to be a wonderful monologue as told by Wowo, just a hodgepodge of all things I find wonderful. I just came back from a year of hiatus. New blog posts weekly.

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