Shilly Shally

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Would you read a blog without any single photo on it?

I've been staring at my laptop screen for way too long.

What am I to write?

This is what coffee has done to me! After 2 months of staying off caffeine, I saw myself grabbed a bottle of coffee drink yesterday for no reason and now..regrets! The lesson? READ: don't look back nor go back to something you left for a reason, for no reason. #hugot #lol #whyamIhashtaggingonmyblog

So, what's a girl to do with tachycardia and lack of sleep? Just write nonsense Wo. That's a good idea! (well, aside from talking to myself apparently.)

I've gathered way too many photos and drafted way too many concepts for a blog post but I've been stalling everything for more than 2 months. Great comeback from a hiatus, huh. You even declared to write a post weekly, silly.

Procrastination. Not really lifting my own chair here, but let's just say I'm an award-winning procrastinator (could be literally haha) I went through kindergarten, elementary, high school and college; putting off making my book reports, case studies, even my thesis a night before deadline or probably hours even. Deadlines make me elated, excited and words would come off my mind suddenly. Wow, I can only tap myself in the back or slow clap to myself. Proud of you Wo. haha not! (Watch this Ted Talk about Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator)

According to Tim Urban's talk, procrastinators are driven by deadlines. Makes sense. Yeah.

Recently however, without a established study habit or freaked control of my schedule, I saw myself confused of my seemingly worsened condition. Lately I've been anxious of nothing. I'd stare at the fan for minutes, scroll on my social media with no set goal in mind. I'll be skimming through blogs, articles online pointlessly.

This blinking cursor is beginning to irk me. lol

I wish I can stop giving myself a million excuses to put off writing a blog again. Another cup of coffee? Ice cream probably?

Because no one's giving me a deadline, nothing pushes me (or so I thought. As if grades below QPI -quality point index is not enough reason to liven up) Nothing forces me to drag my feet, sit on my thinking chair and pour my heart out. (I actually do have my cheerers. I'm just too stubborn to listen). I can't seem to organize anything that's on my mind. I'm supposed to study a subject for an entire semester but every 2 nights before exam day, I'll overload my brain with information I'll eventually forget after the test, or worse, black out during the actual exam.

I've become too proud of myself, refusing to listen to my boyfriend nagging me about getting my lazy arse to study and that I can't afford to fail again. I survived with barely passing grade. Anyway, this should be another series of my law school hullabaloo.

Well, at least these last 45 minutes haven't been put to waste. Sorry, if this might steer you off of me. I always tell myself to bring my own sunshine, probably I should also (well, I already should have by now) remind myself why I started blogging and law school and anything that sparked interest in me. I need more pep talk than excuses, lame excuses. I don't know how to end this but I think I should start on something more worthwhile. I've got 6.5 hours til my classes at 5 PM. So, bye! Thanks for reading this rant. I'll post a more positive one soon or later, hopefully soonest hehe

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About the Author

I'm awksome & adorkable, my cute way of justifying my clumsiness. Born in PH 1989, last wave of people born in the 80's. Never stop learning. I'm a licensed nurse who currently studies law. I'd probably learn pastry making soon but maybe calligraphy lessons sooner. Normal is boring. Most of the people close to me prolly think I'm weird. I dunno. Love is my religion, I'm a low-key agnostic. Jed's greatest fan or biggest headache. hihi

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About the Blog

WONOLOGUES is an experimental blog I started in 2008. I coined it by combining WOWO+MONOLOGUES. Wowo is my nickname. I was told that it came from the word "wow". I believed them. I envision this blog to be a wonderful monologue as told by Wowo, just a hodgepodge of all things I find wonderful. I just came back from a year of hiatus. New blog posts weekly.

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Instagram's @jodiviemalnegro