Go to Law School They Said

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

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     2 weeks ago,  the Supreme Court of the Philippines named over three thousand new lawyers of the Philippine Bar 2016. It was one of the highest passing percentage in history with 59% of the takers, passing the bar. Way to inspire an aspiring lawyer like me! And to top that, Atty Justin Morilla was able to place Ateneo de Davao University in spot number 5 among others who were also not from Manila school. That raised brows from everywhere including cringe-worthy posts from Imperial Manila undermining the capacity of "promdi" lawyers.  But that's not for me to discuss. This isn't going to be political at all. Promise.

     Wow! They passed the bar! Wow! They topped the bar! How did those humanoids achieve all that? While I'm just here, on break from my unending readings, trying to survive (read: barely surviving) this semester. And while my heart, body and brain are all still elated from that awe inspiring 2016 Philippine Bar Exam results, I want to look back on the law school memes and mementos that mirrored the first years of my law school life.

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     Elle Woods made it look so easy with her pink everything number, cute smile, cuter dog and a truckload of confidence and smart mouth. She even started the "Nagmahal, nasaktan, nag Law" 10 years ago before all the millennial hugots came to play. 

     Is law school really fun? Spoiler Alert: It's no fun at all! 

    I enrolled in law school after a go signal from my Dad (after 6 years of bugging him). I didn't even bother to inform him I enrolled. I was adulting (or so I thought), paid everything and decided that this is a good investment for my future. This is my most logical, adult, sensible but subtle way of telling them to stop bothering me about working abroad. 

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     I excitedly bought the codals. Lol. Codals. And that was when I realized that English can seem elvish. And that everytime I read a provision, it felt like I was summoning a demon or something. 

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     I remember the very first day of law school. I felt very much welcome during the Freshmen Orientation with a stem of rose from the "Keks Talionis". The lawyer-professors looked fine (there were artistahins too) and the upperclass men were cheering for them. So I thought "Siguro they are very nice and supportive".lol

     After the orientation, I was more than excited to meet our professor. I felt like a kid in the candy store. But that feeling didn't last long. As soon as I heard her killer heels on the platform and the way she asked for our Class Cards, I felt my blood escaped from my body. My soul went on vacation in no time. I thought I died for about 2 seconds. I was ice cold. I don't know why I felt so nervous. I heard thunders from my heart. The room was entirely silent. My classmates were probably feeling the same way. We all looked like we've been drenched in vinegar - pale and cold. She gave us the syllabus for the 1st exams and some assignment reading for the recits the next day. The moment she left, everyone rushed to the library. 

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     I specifically remember after I got home and tried to research all the assigned cases, I cried over the syllabus. I felt like giving up. Each case was about a minimum of 20 pages font 10 Arial Narrow in a letter sized paper. Huhu And I should read at least 10 of these cases for 1 subject. I have 3 other subjects for recits the next day. Yes Wo, kaya pa?

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     Nganong ni-enter?

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     We're told the study of law is a jealous mistress. You can only choose 2 of 3: study, social life, sleep. With 168 hours in a week, it seems like a law student has all the time in the world to juggle all three. And as you grind you'll realize how to manage your time wisely or not. 

     Don't cry. You'll just get a headache and lesser time to study.
     Don't eat. You haven't memorized the first 5 provisions yet. 

     Don't sleep. You did not finish your case digest (case brief) of the next 10 cases for recits.

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     I'm trying my best to walk the talk. Gaaahhhddd. I chose this life on my own. My dad would have imagined his daughter to be eating up the law books, digesting every word effortlessly. If he only knew. Huhu I was wishing for him to come knock at my door at 1 am and offer me coffee or a shoulder to cry on. Dad! 

     Of coffee, tea, Starbucks, Redbull and whatever palpitation-causing pill in hand. Any legal ways to get high (lisod na basin ma-Tokhang), stay up and not sleep a wink because 24 hours a day is never enough. 

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          A law student's blood vessel is 70% caffeine. So try not to be shocked  when you see us catching a cold with ice inside our soul (cue Christina Perri). Blame coffee for our utter disorientation with time. Our lack of time management, our topsy-turvy sleeping pattern or lack thereof. Yes, the raccoon eyes are always in. We're proud of our eyebags, pinagpaguran namin yan. But still sometimes you have to thank God for concealers or everyone will keep asking you if you're going to die soon or something.

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     Everything is important huhuhu

    So you know what to give any law student on special occasions *coughs* Highlighter, sticky notes, colored pens, 0.7 pen for exams and all sorts of cute stuff from the bookstore. Yes we're hoarders. Huhuhu Mababaw lang po happiness namin. *winks*

     Sometimes I wonder whether I'm reviewing for a comprehensive exam or constructing an epic art attack.   

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    Nothing is predictable in law school. Study hard and study smart. 

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        Cliche as it may sound but no one has survived law school alone (I'll do a separate blog on law school frat/sor/orgs). No matter how you try to finish reading the book of amicus curiae and memorize the provisions, you sometimes need a high five from "Piolo Pastcual". No matter how smart you are, you will still flunk coz you didn't study enough or you were assigned 20 cases and you were called for recits on that 1 case you did not read. While some get lucky, volunteering for recits with all confidence of a debate speaker the only case she read the night before.  And sometimes, the universe conspires to go against you. That even if you did all the right thing, it's just aint enough.   

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           Law professors have different styles in teaching and checking the exams. Some are very particular with your qualified answers, some want to test your persuasive writing skills. But all of them are very particular with legal basis. But one thing they have in common, they hate blank papers. How can we argue and rebut others' arguments if we can't even bullshit an answer.

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     Breaks the fun most of the time. And of course the discussion in class is more than awesome. Arguments, of the excitement it brings! Sometimes it's humanly impossibly to read everything cover to cover. But it's a God-given skill to know which ones to skip and which ones to remember by heart.

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This one is the most heartbreaking. I feel betrayed everytime this happens. It's like you wasted a 5-case worth of readings for that 2 line provision in 1 lengthy case!

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      And to top it off, the teacher of the class I skipped gave a surprise quiz! Wow! Interesting!

     Saklap di ba? It happened to me on that rainy evening days before Christmas. I probably summoned all the evils out of frustration that night. Anak ng ****

     Oh, law school.There has been a lot of sacrifices. A lot of sleep I didn't take or parties I couldn't attend. But that's how you know it's love. I almost got kicked out of law school coz my average grade fell short by 0.765. That's how I plastered my love to law school. Begging to get another chance at love. Gladly, the school gave me another chance. Chance that I hope I won't blow again this time.

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    Being a law student is a privilege. It's a choice. So even if you may be forced by your lawyer parents to follow their foot steps, it's your endeavor in school. You're privileged to enroll. When everyone is against you and discourages you because law school can take its toll on life, it's a choice.

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     Of course it's not all pitiful and no, you don't have to feel sorry for me baby. There are far greater lessons that what my hard bound books have taught me. (oh,topic for another blog)

     They don't happen often but sometimes law students get lucky. Brave soldiers who never skip class and reads the remaining cases during the lecture. Yes, it happens. 24 hours a day is too short to finish all the readings unless you're a very fast reader and easily comprehends everything. This is just a simple joy in school.

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                    The study of law is such a jealous mistress. You have to pursue it and not become complacent. You always have to strive and do your best, give your all.

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     So while the study of law seems an impossible feat, let me tell you, 3000 plus lawyers made it this year. Yes, it can be very difficult but just because it's difficult doesn't mean it can't be done. Law school is not fun at all. It was an experience of life. Of sacrifices and gratifications. Of pursuing something I love. I met with friends that I consider my brothers and sisters in law school. I think I'll put off another blog for the fun times in law school too.

     So to my fellow law students and to those who want to go to law school, go ahead. So again, the struggle might be so real but...

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About the Author

I'm awksome & adorkable, my cute way of justifying my clumsiness. Born in PH 1989, last wave of people born in the 80's. Never stop learning. I'm a licensed nurse who currently studies law. I'd probably learn pastry making soon but maybe calligraphy lessons sooner. Normal is boring. Most of the people close to me prolly think I'm weird. I dunno. Love is my religion, I'm a low-key agnostic. Jed's greatest fan or biggest headache. hihi

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WONOLOGUES is an experimental blog I started in 2008. I coined it by combining WOWO+MONOLOGUES. Wowo is my nickname. I was told that it came from the word "wow". I believed them. I envision this blog to be a wonderful monologue as told by Wowo, just a hodgepodge of all things I find wonderful. I just came back from a year of hiatus. New blog posts weekly.

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