When with Ming ♡

Thursday, May 21, 2015

I was skeptical when you told me that 2015 would be our year but boy did you prove yourself right!

You stayed up with me despite my disturbed sleeping pattern or lack thereof. You drank coffee with me while I went through my readings that didn't seem to end, though I know that coffe is not really your cuppa tea. You gave me the funniest pep talks. I'm not quite sure if those pep talks did in fact motivate me or maybe they may have just made me laugh so hard I couldn't think of giving up law school. You sent me scary photos just so I wouldn't sleep coz I got to prepare for recitations. That was unconventional but it's exactly your anti-mainstream acts that drew me closer to you. Ayeee ♡

April came and I really wanted to go to Mati. I haven't been to Mati and I really wanted to go to Summerfrolic. You got mad coz I needed to study for finals. You only wanted what's best for me. My friends thought that that trip to Mati was a crazy idea two days before the Consti Law exams but we two crazy kids went on anyway. Hihi

I felt kinda pissed when we couldn't buy those expensive rave tix but you turned everything around when you offered that we go old-school at Dahican. We watched the picturesque moon as it lit on that dark Friday night, majestic with all its glory. My definition sure wouldn't give justice to how beautiful the moon looked that night. So while everyone was raving with EDM, we had our romantic moment by the beach with the moon. I would not exchange that moondate for a rave any day!

We watched the sunrise the day after. It was a few minutes after 5 in the morning.  I haven't woken up that early in a long time. That was usually the time I go to bed during hellweek. You stayed patient with me despite my obvious lack of swimming skills. You just said I looked cute running from the waves that you could ride and surf anytime. hihi And that moment we got caught up in the wave and got swept to the shore then I hit my head on your knee, damn that was awesome! Haha I could have bruises and all but see I (still haven't) learned (to swim) hihi

Then we rolled on the sand and just got caught up in the moment, always in awe by the beauty of that starry night. There were millions, yes millions of stars in the sky but your face seemed to shine brighter haha We may have looked like weirdos to most tourist passing by the beach that night but the hell we care!?! We laughed like we were high. We talked of our craziest dreams. You may not have noticed but I just felt like my heart was about to escape from my rib cage, ready to die of kilig hihi

We shared more crazy stuff in between but that Sarbay2015 invite you told me a week before the event was really great! I never had my hopes up. Coz you have always told me that Sarbay was overrated despite me trying to convince you that I had the greatest eat.sleep rave repeat two nights last Sarbay2014. Anyway, we went on a roadtrip. I think I slept through the trip but whenever I wake up you asked me if I was fine. Hey, never better love. Actually. Hihi

I still can't remember what exactly happened last Sarbay2015! Haha All I could remember is that we walked painstakingly miles from the parking area to the party zone. Haha kidding! I don't know. Ah, I bet we swam during the daytime coz we got tanned. Then at night, we danced, no, we raved! We jumped like total freaks and just laughed and I don't really know hihi We checked out some hotties out of a silly game. We didn't sleep and oh we almost forgot to eat! Hahaha But it was all fun and just great times. Another one for the books I shall say. ♡ It was a tiring weekend and "when your legs don't work like they used to before" moments come, we still got each others back. Hey, hey you okay?! 

So here's to more summer days to chase, more starry nights to gaze, more parties to go or just any sarcawesone convo with you. 

Oh, rhyme. No matter what they say, "walang forever", we will continue to scratch things off of our bucket lists and fuckit lists. Deal?! 

Here's to you. You know I love you. ♡

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About the Author

I'm awksome & adorkable, my cute way of justifying my clumsiness. Born in PH 1989, last wave of people born in the 80's. Never stop learning. I'm a licensed nurse who currently studies law. I'd probably learn pastry making soon but maybe calligraphy lessons sooner. Normal is boring. Most of the people close to me prolly think I'm weird. I dunno. Love is my religion, I'm a low-key agnostic. Jed's greatest fan or biggest headache. hihi

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WONOLOGUES is an experimental blog I started in 2008. I coined it by combining WOWO+MONOLOGUES. Wowo is my nickname. I was told that it came from the word "wow". I believed them. I envision this blog to be a wonderful monologue as told by Wowo, just a hodgepodge of all things I find wonderful. I just came back from a year of hiatus. New blog posts weekly.

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